Thursday 21 June 2018

Ancestry of Pashtuns


Many of us have heard of Pashtuns, people living in Afghanistan, North-West Pakistan(Khyber Pakhtun Khwa) some of them living in Iran. There population around the world is over-all 49 Million. These people are known for their strength. They rebelled against Britishers in 1839 after they were invaded from them and it took them 2 years to make Britishers withdraw. It is said that the British sent 4000 men army against them, and only 1 of them survived to report what have happened with them. Pashtuns had also defended themselves with great invaders such as Kushans, Mongols, and other empires.
Geographical location of Pashtuns
Pashtuns have an legendary ancestry which most of us do not know. They are the descendants of Qais Abdur Rashid(Kysh/Kish). Qais was born in 575 A.D. in modern-day Ghor province. Upon hearing the message of Islam, his tribe sent him to Madina to check about the message. He went to Prophet(SAW) and embraced Islam. The Prophet(SAW) gave him a new name Abdur Rashid. He then introduced Islam to his tribe. According to Mountstuart Elphinstone, it was Khalid bin Waleed who introduced Prophet to him. Some historians relates Afghans of Ghor to be Jews, and they knew the concept of One God, and the coming of the last Prophet, Prophet Muhammad(SAW).
Qais was then buried on the same place where his legendary ancestor Afghana was buried in Takh e Sulaiman according to his wish. He died in 661 A.D. The famous ancestry of Qais Abdur Rashid:
Lineage of Qais Abdur Rashid

Thus, Qais Abdur Rashid was the 37th descendant of king Saul(Talut/Malak). 'Afghana'(Avagana) is also the part of the lineage. He was a legendary person and belonged to the Davidic line. It is said that the name 'Afghanistan' or 'Afghan' is derived from his name. And according to the Pashtun historians, he was the son of Irmia(Jeremiah), who was the son of Saul. Saul was the son of Kish, and grandson of Abiel. Abiel belonged to the 12th Jewish tribe, the tribe of Binyameen(Benjamin). Binyameen was the son of Prophet Yaqub(AS),so, alternatively, the Pashtuns have the same origin as of Jews. Saul(Talut in Qur'an) was the predecessor of Prophet David. He was born in 1079 BC and died in 1012 BC. The Afghans historians believe that Saul had 5 sons, the fifth was Irmia(Jeremiah)(not to be confused with Jeremiah, the weeping Prophet, who was born in 655 BC, almost 400 years after Saul). Irmia's son was Malak Afghana, who is mentioned by Sassanians and other historians. Afghana became an orphan at an early age, and was brought up by Prophet Dawood(AS). In the reign of Prophet Sulaiman(AS), he was made the commander in chief of the army. Afghana is also credited for the building of the Temple Mount or Haram Al Sharif. 
Ideology indicating that Malak Afghana was the grandson of Saul. The Sons of Qais Abdur Rashid will be discussed later
Afghana migrated to Takh e Sulaiman, died there, and is buried there.

After the Qais Abdur Rashid, his sons became the fathers of Pashtuns. Sarban, Baitan, and Ghourghusht were the sons of Qais while Karlan Ormur Baraki was adopted. Sarbani is the largest tribe of Pashtuns, located in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sarban is the father of Tareen, Durrani(Abdali), Barakzai, Arakozai, Achakzai, Gigyani, Popalzai, Yusufzai, Momand, Shilmani, Khalil, Goryakhel, Shinwari, Kasi, and Muhammadzai(Hashtnagar).
Battani are found in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and a few numbers in India. The Bettani confederacy includes the supertribes of Lohani, Ghilji, Lodi, and Shirani.
Ghourghushti are famous for Chapli Kabab. Its subtribes are Babai, Daavi, Jadoon, Safi, Gandapur/Kochi people, Kakar, Khudadi, Ludin, Mandokhel, Wadikhel, Mashwanis, Naghar, Panni(Balailzai), Mandokhel, Musakhel.
Karlani was adopted by Ormur tribe and Ghourghust tribe. Its sub-tribes are Afridi, Khattak, and Orakzai.

Friday 8 June 2018

Lineage of Prophets

Lineage of Prophets

Prophet Muhammad,  Prophet Ismail and Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Nuh and Prophet Idrees

Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib(Shaybah) bin Hashim(Amr al-Ula/Hanif) bin Abdu Manaf(Al Mughirah) bin Qusayy(Zayd) bin Kilab(Urwa/Hakim) bin Murrah bin Ka'b bin Luayy bin Ghalib bin Fihr(Quraysh) bin Malik bin Nadir bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudrika bin Ilyas(Amir) bin Mudhir bin Nizar bin Ma'd bin Adnan bin Addad bin Uwad bin Hamay bin Salamaan bin Thabit bin Hamal bin Qaydaar bin Ismail(Ishmael) bin Ibrahim(Abraham) bin Aazar(Terah) bin Nahor bin Sarooh(Serug) bin Arghou(Reu) bin Falaj(Pelej) bin Aber(Eber) bin Shalikh(Salah) bin Cainaan bin Arfakhshad(Arpachchad) bin Sam bin Nuh(Noah) bin Lamak(Lamech) bin Methusaleh(Supposed to be Prophet Saleh) bin Akhnookh(Idrees/Enoch) bin Yared(Jared) bin Mahlayl(Mahlaleel) bin Qaynaan(Kenan) bin Anwas(Enos) bin Sheith(Seth) bin Adam.

Another claimed lineage after Adnan

Adnan bin Add bin Humaisi bin Salaman bin Aws bin Buz bin Qamwal bin Obay bin Awwam bin Nashid bin Haza bin Bildas bin Yadlaf bin Tabikh bin Jahim bin Nahish bin Makhi bin Aid bin Abqar bin Ubaid bin Ad Da'a bin Hamdan bin Sanbir bin Yathrabi bin Yahzin bin Yalhan bin Ar'awi bin Aid bin Deshan bin Aisar bin Afnad bin Aiham bin Muksar bin Nahith bin Zarih bin Sami bin Wazzi bin Adwa bin Aram bin Haidir bin Ismail bin Ibrahim.

Prophet Isa

Isa(Jesus) bin Maryam bin Imran(Heli/Joachim, said to be Prophet) bin Mattan(Matthat)............ bin Hezekiah........... bin Sulaiman(Solomon) bin Dawood(David)

A Prophet was sent to Bani Izrael whose name was Prophet Shi'aya bin Imsiya. During his time, the king of Bani Izrael was Hezekiah.

Prophet Dawood

Dawood(David) bin Jesse bin Obad bin Boaz bin Salma(Salmon) bin Nahshon bin Ami Nadab bin Ram bin Hazron bin Faridh(Perez) bin Eir bin Yahudah(Judah) bin Yaqub(Jacob) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Prophet Hud

Hud(Heber/Eber) bin Abdullah bin Rabah bin Khulud bin Aad bin Uz bin Iram(Aram) bin Sam bin Nuh.
Also: Hud bin Uz bin Iram(Aram) bin Sam(Shem) bin Nuh.

Prophet Alyasa

Alyasa(Elijah) bin Adi bin Shotlam bin Ifra'im bin Yusuf(Jospeh)(AS), bin Yaqub(Job) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Alyasa bin Amos(Said to be Prophet) and the same lineage.

Alyasa bin Ukhtub bin Fathaz bin Yazar bin Harun(Aaron) AS Imran(Amram) bin Kohat bin Levi bin Yaqub(Jacob)

Prophet Ilyas

Ilyas(Elisha/Ilyasin) bin Yasin bin Fathaz bin Yazar bin Harun(Aaron) AS Imran(Amram) bin Kohat bin Levi bin Yaqub(Jacob) According to Al Tibri, Prophet Ilyas was the cousin of Prophet Alyasa

Ilyas bin Aazar bin Yazar bin Harun

Prophet Shuaib

Shuaib(Jethro) bin Mikil bin Issachaar bin Midian(Madyan) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Prophet Uzair

Uzair(Ezra) bin Soreeq/Sarokha(Seraiah) bin Arna bin Ayub bin Darzana bin Adi bin Taqi bin Asbou bin Fanhas bin Ezaar bin Haroon(Aaron) bin Imran/Amran(Amram)

Prophet Yusha

Yusha(Joshua) bin Nun bin Ifra'im bin Yusuf(Joseph) bin Yaqub(Jacob) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Prophet Zakariyah

Zakariyah(Zechariah) bin Ladn bin Muslim bin Sadoq bin Hashban bin Dawood bin Sulaiman bin Muslim bin Sadiqah bin Barakhiya bin Bal'atah bin Nahur bin Shalum bin Bihfa Shat bin Inaman bin Rahib'am bin Sulaiman(Solomon) bin Dawood(David)

Also known as: Zakariyah bin Burkhiya or Zakariyah bin Daan

After the death of Prophet Yahya, it is said by one tradition that Prophet Irmia(Jeremiah) bin Halqiya wept a lot so this can be a reason he is called 'Weeping Prophet' in Bible. 

In his time, another Prophet, Prophet Daniyal, was being punished in Babylon by the king Nebuched Nezzar II or Bakht Nasr. Bakht Nasr placed two lions in the punishment well of Prophet Daniyal. Lions did nothing to you. Meanwhile, Irmia was ordered by Allah to provide food to Daniyal. He was in Jerusalem, and by a miracle, he arrived there(Babylon) and did what was ordained to him. 

Prophet Ayub

Ayub(Job) bin Mos bin Razih bin Ais(Esau) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Ayub(Job) bin Mos bin Ra'wil bin Ais(Esau) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

Prophet Musa(Moses)

Musa(Moses) bin Imran(Amram) bin Qahith/Kohat bin A'azir bin Levi bin Yaqub(Job) bin Ishaq(Isaac) bin Ibrahim(Abraham)

It should be known that Prophet Haroon(Aaron) was the brother of Prophet Musa(Moses)

A'azir is not mentioned in previous lineages, but is found after Kohat in Qasas ul Ambiya of Ibn Kathir


Saturday 2 June 2018

Muslim-Quraysh conflict in the time of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

Muslim-Quraysh conflict in the time of 

Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

When the Prophet(SAW) migrated to Madinah, his fellow makkans were outraged. They were not willing to let Prophet Muhammad(SAW) escape from their persecution and so tried to bring him back, but remained unsuccessful. The nightmare for them was that if Muslims rises from Madinah, they will eventually become threat for Quraysh. 
             The major threat for the Quraysh was that the Muslims will capture their caravans. The Quraysh's caravan always halted in Madinah then will leave for Makkah. Muslims were also allowed to fight against the Quraysh and loot their caravans, as the Quraysh have captured their possessions and made Muslims leave their homeland without taking their possessions. Allah permitted to fight Muslims in the following Verse:
 "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you."(2:190)
 "Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."(22:39)
 The conflict between Muslims and Quraysh led to the beginning of Muslim-Quraysh war. 

        Now that the Muslims are allowed to fight, the Prophet(SAW) started to organize a Muslim military. When the Prophet dispatched an expedition with a chosen commander, it is called 'Sarriya'(they are often dispatched in cavalry units), and when he himself participated in an expedition, it is called 'Ghazwah'. 

1 A.H. (623 A.D.)

The first battle which took place in 1 A.H., Ramadan was the Sariyya Saif al Bahr. Abu Jahl was returning from Syria with a caravan. The Prophet dispatched an expedition to coast of Red sea to intercept the caravan. He dispatched an army of 30 Muhajirin under the leadership of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib(RA). The expedition met with the caravan at the outskirts of Ais, on the coast of Red Sea. A battle almost erupted but Majdi bin Amr Jahni intervened and matters subsided. The Muslim rode beneath a white standard (first ever used by Muslims) borne by Abu Marthad bin Haseen Ghanwi(RA). This was the first interception of caravan of Quraysh. In the following months, Prophet sent more expeditions.
                    The second Sariyya and second caravan interception was the expedition to Batn Rabi led by Abu Ubaydah bin Harith. He led an army 60 Muhajirin and head to Batn Rabi when they came across Abu Sufyan and his 200 men. Arrows were shot from both sides but there was no general fighting. 20 Muhajirin under the leadership of Saad bin Abi Waqqas were sent to Rabigh near Kharar, but they returned without having any combat and attacking any caravan. This was the third interception. 
Rabigh, an ancient town in the coast of Red sea,
Makkah reigion, 280 km south of Madina

  2 A.H. (624 A.D.)               

      The first Ghazwah occured in Safar 2 A.H. It is known as Ghazwah e Abwa or Wadaan. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) led an army of 70 Muhajirin and planned to intercept a caravan but returned without any fight. However, he signed a treaty with Amr bin Makhshi al Dhamri. Then in 2 A.H., Rabi Al Awwal,  Prophet led a group of men to Buwat in the outskirts of Radwi. This expedition is also known as patrol of Buwat. It was the fifth interception of the Quraysh's caravan. 
                  The first battle of Badr, also known as the expedition to Safwan occured in the same month. Kurz bin Jabir Al-Fihri rustled some grazing cattle belonging to the Muslims. The Prophet gathered seventy Muhajirin and chased him to Safwan on the outskirts of Badr, but Kurz escaped. 
                 The Prophet also led a squadron of 150 to 200 Muhajirin in either Jamad Al Awwal or Jamad Al Thani. They went to Dhul Ushairah to intercept a caravan led by Abu Sufyan who was heading to Syria, but it had passed a few days before they arrived. During this time, Prophet(SAW) signed a non-aggression pact with Banu Madlaj. This caravan was also a cause of the second battle of Badr.
                Prophet(SAW) then sent Abdullah bin Jahsh Asadi along with 12 Muhajirin to Nakhlah in Rajab. The aim of the expedition was to collect information and intelligence about a caravan financed by the Quraysh. Abdullah's men attacked the caravan and killed one person. They also took two captives whom they brought it to Madina. The Prophet became upset after hearing the news. He set prisoners and paid bloody money to the victim's family. The Quraysh protested vehemently about the attack because it happened in a month on which fighting is prohibited. Allah revealed the following verse in reference to the Muslims attack on the caravan: 
"They ask you concerning fighting in the prohibited months. Say: Fighting during these months is a grave offense, but preventing people from following the path of Allah, disbelieving in Him, preventing access to the Sacred Mosque, and driving out its residents are greater offenses with Allah. Unrest and oppression are worse than killing."(2:217)

     The second battle of Badr

Military expeditions and raid were minor until this point. Those raid served Muslims into conduct of warfare. The battle of Badr was the major battle in Muslim-Quraysh war and first most decisive battle. The caravan which Prophet(SAW) tried to intercept in Dhul Ushairah had flee to Syria. The Prophet then sent two men in Hawraa in Syria to await the caravan's return. The men spotted the caravan returning and hurried back to Madinah to inform Prophet Muhammad. Prophet then raised an army of 313 to 317 Muslims ill-equiped but highly potential with 2 horses and 70 camels. Those two horses belonged to Miqdad bin Amr Kindi and Zubair bin Awwam. The Muslim army marched to Badr, about 155 km southwest of Madinah. The main white Muslim standard was given to Musab bin Umayr. Muhajirin and Ansar had different standards. The Muhajirin standard was given to Ali ibn Abi Talib(RA), and the Ansar standard to Saad bin Muadh(RA). Badr, ringed by high mountains, was accessible through routes. One is called Al-Udwat Al-Qaswa lay in south, the second one, called al Udwat Al Duniya, approached from the north, and the third approached from the east and was used by the people of Madinah as the main thoroughfare to the settlement of Badr. There were houses, wells, and orchards there, so the Quraysh's caravan will broke their journey and will stay here for a few days. 
             Muslims only have to block these three entrances to stop the Quraysh's caravan. Accordingly, the Prophet and his men departed opposite direction to Badr, and when came into a safe distance from Madinah, they headed for Badr. The carvan which Muslims hoped to seize was the caravan of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb returning from Syria. It contained 40 men, 1000 camels and goods worth about fifty thousand dinars. 
             Abu Sufyan was highly cautious. He asked every person about the Muslims activity, nd he came to know about the Muslim army when he was at a great distance from Badr. He then headed for westward to red sea coast, bypassing Badr. He then sent a man to Makkah asking for an army to escort the caravan safely to Makkah.  
Muslims' and Quraysh's movements during
the time of Battle of Badr

       The Quraysh received Abu Sufyan's message and mustered an army of 1300 men to confront Muslims and protect the caravan. Their leader was Abu Jahl. All the nobles and chiefs of the Quraysh participated in the battle except of Abu Lahab, who sent a man in place of him. All the neighboring tribes participated except of Banu Adiy, who were close the Prophet Muhammad's family. 
           When the Quraysh army reached Juhfa, they received a message that the caravan of Abu Sufyan has reached safely to Makkah. Only the clan Banu Zahra left in the advice of their chief Akhnas bin Shariq Thaqafi. Now the army consisted of 1000 men. Upon reached Udwa Qasmi, the Quraysh set up their camp in a spacious field, just behind the mountains that surrounded Badr. Prophet came to know about the gigantic army of Quraysh advancing Badr and held discussion what should they do. It was decided that Muslims will fight.
          The Muslims arrived Badr the same night as the Quraysh did. The Muslims first camped at Udwat Al Duniya, but Hubab bin Mundhir(RA) advised Prophet that they should camp nearest the enemy so they could store water in reservoirs. He also suggested that the wells should be filled up so that there will be no water for the Quraysh. This strategy proved brilliant. Saad bin Muadh(RA) along with some youths were to act as lookouts. 
        A gentle rain also fell which made Muslims have a refreshing sleep. 
           It was Ramadan 17, 2 A.H. and the two armies met. Prophet prayed for victory continuously. 
        The Quraysh's best horseman, Utbah bin Rabia, Shayba bin Rabia, and Waleed bin Utbah challenged Muslims to fight from them. Three men from answer answered, but the Quraysh wanted the Makkan exiles to fight. Ali bin Abi Talib, Ubaydah bin Harith, and Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib came forward. Hamzah killed his rival Shayba, Ali too killed his opponent Waleed. Ubaydah and Utbah had wounded each other, so Ali and Hamza ran to Ubayda and killed Utbah. Ubaydah later died from the wound which he incurred(wounded leg) and died while coming back to Madina. 
           The battle then began. Muslims proclaimed continuously:"Ahad, Ahad,..." Allah had sent one thousand angels to fight against Quraysh. The Prophet then took a handful of dust and blowed, saying:"let their faces be disfigured". The dust became a storm of dust and the Quraysh came in disarray. The Muslims started to capture their enemies. The Quraysh started to retreat, and Muslims chased them. Abu Jahl was well protected by men carrying swords and spear. Two young boys, Muadh bin Ifra and Muadh bin Amr advanced towards Abu Jahl and wounded him badly. These kids loved Prophet and were enemies to Abu Jahl. Abdullah bin Masood(RA) caught Abu Jahl lying and beheaded him. The greatest enemy of Prophet and Allah was killed. 
        The day of the battle was also named 'the day of distinction' as the Muslims fought from their kinsmen, relatives, and fellowmen. They were different from them through their faith. 
             6 Muhajirin and 8 Ansar died from Muslims side. They were buried in Badr and their grave sites are still known today. 70 men were slain and 70 taken as captives from Quraysh's side. 24 chiefs of Quraysh were thrown to foul-smelling wells. The Prophet stayed in Badr for three days. The prisoners were treated kindly. The prisoners who knew writing and reading were to teach 10 children. Those who could ransom themselves ransomed, and those who cannot read or write and/or ransom themselves were freed.
Graveyard of Badr

The Qur'an comments on the battle: "And already had Allah given you victory at [the battle of] Badr while you were few in number. Then fear Allah ; perhaps you will be grateful." This verse tells the power of Allah that he cause defeat to the disbelievers who thought that their high numbers will make them victorious.

Expedition of Saweeq
             Abu Sufyan was furious over the Quraysh's defeat in Badr. He took oath to encounter Muslims. He set out for Madinah with two hundred men, intent of spreading destruction. He raided a settlement called Arid, hacked and burned a number of precious date trees, and get away after killing two Ansar. When the Prophet came to know about it, he left with his men to catch Abu Sufyan. He pursued them to Karkarat Al Kadr, but the enemies escaped. The Quraysh, who tried to escaped swiftly, were forced to get rid of their most valuable provisions, especially corn meal, or saweeq, from which the expedition got its name.

3 A.H. (625 A.D.)

  The Sariyya of Qardah
                  In Jamad Al Awwal, 3 A.H., the Quraysh sent a trade caravan to Syria by the way of Iraq. They entrusted the caravan to Safwan bin Umayya and were not concerned by the risks involved since the route went to Najd, far from Madinah and the Muslim territory. 
When the Prophet came to know about the precious caravan of Quraysh he dispatched a cavalry of 200 men under the command of Zayd bin Haritha(RA). At Najd, the caravan halted at a spring name Qardah. The Muslim cavalry attacked the caravan and captured the possessions of it, though the men of Quraysh managed to escape. The caravan guide Furat bin Hayyan was captured too. The kind treatment which Furat experienced in the hand of Muslims made him one of them too. The booty consisted of hundred thousand dirhams. The Muslims, by this raid, inflicted devastating economic defeat to Quraysh the same as Badr. 

The Battle of Uhud

                      Now the Quraysh had bitter losses at Badr and Qardah. They were furious over their defeats and started to make a huge army. They incited others as well, especially those who lost their relatives in the battle. Song of vengeance were sung and women also made others to participate in the army. Subsidiary tribes were made to join the battle, and so, the Quraysh had raised an army of 3000 men with 300 camels, 200 horses, and 700 coats of mail. Abu Sufyan was the commander of the Quraysh army, and the valiant fighters from Banu Abdul Dar were made the standard bearers. The proud army set out and advanced towards Madinah. On Friday, the 6th of Shawwal, they reached the outskirts of the city and camped in a opened field in the well of Qanah below Mount Uhud and Ainaan. The Prophet was expecting the army for a week, and had declared Madinah as a state of emergency. Abu Tamim Aus bin Hajr Aslami sent message to Muslims about the Quraysh advance towards Madinah. 
                     The Prophet, when came to know about the Quraysh's advance, held a conference with his companions regarding how to protect Madinah. The Prophet himself advised that Madinites should fight inside the city. Men will face the enemy at the entrance of lanes and alleys, and women attacking from their rooftops of house. Many companions agreed on the idea also the leader of Hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubbay. But some Muslims who were new converts or were not able to participate at the Battle of Badr said that Muslims should fight outside the city. The Prophet agreed upon their idea seeing their enthusiasm. The Prophet divided army into three groups: One group of Muhajirin and their standard bearer will be Musab bin Umayr. Another comprised of the Aus tribe, their standard bearer Usayd bin Hudair(RA), and the third unit was of Khazraj tribe, their standard bearer Hubab bin Mundhir. The army consisted of thousand men and 4 cavalry. 
                After Asr prayer, the Prophet set out for Mount Uhud and inspected the troops in Shaykhayn. He send back youths for their safety. However, Prophet allowed Rafi bin Khadij and Samura bin Jundab, for Rafi a good archer, and Samura a good wrestler. Prophet prayed his Maghrib and Isha prayer there and halted there for a while, then departed for Shaut, where he prayed Fajr prayer at dawn. When the things seemed to be going great, Abdullah bin Ubbay deserted the army with his 300 men as being an enemy of Muslims. Banu Salma and Banu Harith felt reeling by the action of Abdullah bin Ubbay and considered themselves retreating. The Muslims army now shrunk to an army of 700 army. The Prophet took shortest route to Mount Uhud and descended on the valley. Now the Quraysh stood between the Muslims and Madinah. 
                  The Prophet drew up his troops for the battle. He formed fifty archers in the mount Ainaan and made Abdullah bin Jubayr Ansari their head. They were stressed that under no circumstances they were to move from their position, regardless where the battle went. The Pagans also advanced towards the battlefield, marching with their women singing, and the army thirsty for revenge. Khalid bin Waleed and Ikramah bin Abi Jahl also stood in the battle as commanders, both lost there fathers.
                  When the armies met. Talha bin Abi Talha Abdari challenged Muslims for a single combat. Zubayr bin Awwam came forward to accept challenge. He jumped on Talha's camel, threw him down and slew him. The battle began. Khalid bin Waleed, who was the head of Quraysh cavalry, tried to attack Muslims three times from rear but the Muslim rearguards will shower them with arrows. The Muslim concentrated on the Quraysh's 11 standard bearers until all of them are wiped out. Two Muslims, Hamzah and Abu Dujana fought bravely and there heroic style of battle made them legendary in the Muslim military history. Hamzah was matyred by Wahshi bin Harb who gained from his master Jubayr bin Mutim. Despite the martyrdom of Hamzah, the Muslims fought desperately until they made enemies flee. The archers saw the enemies retreating and so 40 of them left their places, despite of their head stopping them. It was that point when the Muslims victory turn to defeat. Khalid bin Waleed spotted the Muslims rearguard moving from their place and attacked Muslims from rear, and this time he was successful. He wiped out those ten Muslims along with his men. The Muslims stood between the Quraysh infantry and cavalry.
Muslim and Quraysh movements in the battle
They still fought but then someone from the Quraysh shouted that he have martyred Prophet Muhammad(SAW), which resulted in many Muslims loosing there will to fight and the Quraysh were overjoyed. Some Muslims fled from the grief. The Qur'an comments on this event: "Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels?"(3:144) The Prophet himself rose from the crowd and said:"O servants of Allah! Come to me!" The Quraysh chased the voice to attack him, but the Prophet said:"Whoever protects me from them deserves paradise and will be my companion in the paradise." Many companions ran to save the Prophet Muhammad. They were 7 Ansar and 2 Muhajirin. All of the 7 Ansar lost their lives for the cause one by one. Only Talha bin Ubaydullah and Saad bin Abi Waqqas stood with Prophet. The Quraysh charged against him. A rock flew at Prophet, which broke his lower right teeth, cut his lower lip. Prophet helmet was also broken, exposing his head. Someone from the enemies struck the Prophet's shoulder with a blow so powerful that it left him in severe pain for a month. Luckily, he escaped severe injury because of his double coat of mail.

                    Saad bin Abi Waqqas unleashed a volley of arrows at the pagans. Talha bin Ubaydullah was fighting with a whole band of enemies. He incurred 35 or 39 injuries at the end of the battle. He served Prophet as a shield and was shot by arrows. More companions ran for the service of Prophet, and Jibreel(AS) and Mikael(AS) descended to help Muslims. 
                    What happened was that Musab bin Umayr(RA) was martyred by Abdullah bin Qama. Musab(RA) resembled to the Prophet much, and so, Abdullah thought he had killed Prophet and claimed this. The Muslims lost their morale to fight, and just then Kab bin Malik caught a glimpse of Prophet and shouted that Prophet is alive, which helped Muslims to revive their lost morale.
                The Prophet chose to retreat and headed to the Mountain pass. The pagans chased them, but remained unsuccessful, and 2 pagans died while chasing. Abu Sufyan and Khalid bin Waleed decided to return Makkah as they were satisfied by the damage they inflicted upon Muslims. 22 Quraysh were killed, and the 70 men from Muslim army. 41 martyrs belonged to Khazraj tribe, 24 from Aus, 4 from Muhajirin, and a Jew was also killed. The Jew is said to be Muhayriq, who left his wealth for Prophet. The Prophet is reported to have said:"Muhayriq is the best of Jews!"(Ibn Hisham) A Madinite name Quzman also participated in the battle. After killing 7 men, he had inflicted a fatal wound. Quzman, in his last moment, said:"I fought for my tribe, not for matyrdom." He then pushed his weight towards sword and committed suicide. This is said by Qatadah bin Numan, who was present at his final moments. Amr bin Thabit, better known as Usayram, embraced Islam before the battle of Uhud. He was martyred in the battle, and had not even prayed Salah once in his life. But he still gained Paradise. In a Hadith, the Prophet said:"He worked little, but gained a lot!"(Bukhari) Abu Hurayrah also said about Usayram:"the person who entered Paradise without offering Salat even once in his life."
Mount Uhud

                At Muslim camp, it was time to rest and take stock. Muhammad bin Muslimah fetched fresh water for Prophet. Because of Prophet's wound, he offered Zuhr prayer in sitting position, and the companions did the same. Some women joined Muslims and fetched water for the wounded. Dialogue and resolution also began when both armies started to leave. Abu Sufyan, after the verbal debate, issued a challenge:"We shall meet again at Badr next year." To which, the Muslims agreed.
              The armies then started to leave. If the Pagans captured the Madinah, the course of the history have been entirely change. The Muslims then buried their martyrs in the same field. The Qur'an says:"What you suffered on the day the two armies Met, was with the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers,- (Surah Al-Imran, 166) 

              Expedition to Hamra Al Asad

The Prophet, next morning when the Muslims returned to Madinah, the Prophet sent a crier to announce that whoever participated in the battle of Uhud should get ready to pursue enemy. The Muslims set out for Hamra Al Asad, eight mile away. The Pagans camped at Rawha, eight miles away from Madinah. They held a war council. Much recrimination was traded as the troops berated their leaders. Why had they squandered the advantage by not entering Madinah? 
            The Muslims were also pondering strategy. Mabad bin Abi Saeed Khazai, who loved Prophet very much, came to him at Hamra Al Asad. Prophet asked to approach Abu Sufyan and use scare tactics to make pagans off. Mabad reached to the Quraysh's camp and scared them about the Muslims. They became afraid of the Muslims. Abu Sufyan sent a caravan which was passing through to Muslims to give them a message. He in return offered them dry fruits and other things. They agreed and told Prophet that the Pagans are ready to attack. The Muslims answered:" Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best to determine our affairs."(3:173)  The Pagans chose to retreat and thus the conditions went peaceful. 

4 A.H. (626 A.D.)

The Quraysh started to cause trouble upon Muslims. They participated in the event of Raji which happened in 4th year of Hijrah where they martyred 10 Muslims. The time also came when the Muslims have to face Quraysh again in Badr. Prophet left for Badr in Sha'aban, 4 A.H. with his 1500 men and 10 horses. Ali bin Abi Talib was the standard bearer of the Muslim army, while the administration of Madinah was handed to Abdullah bin Rawaha. Abu Sufyan too had departed for Badr with and army of 2000 men, including 50 cavalrymen. He seemed to be a lacking fire from start and then returned to Makkah in the middle of the journey. 

5 A.H. (627 A.D.)

Siege of Madinah, the Battle of the Trench

Also known as the battle of the allies(Ahzab) and the battle of Khandaq. Half a year went without any conflict. The Muslims have sent Banu Nazir to exile in Khyber because they broke the treaty which had signed between them and Muslims. Huayy bin Akhtab, the chief of the tribe, along with 20 other chiefs of Khayber, went to Quraysh to gather allies against Muslims to seek revenge. They praised Quraysh and the Quraysh therefore agreed. They also went to Banu Ghatafan, who also agreed, and later, they went to more tribes to gather a mammoth military. The forces have to attack simultaneously to Madinah.
                  Madinah was naturally covered from 3 sides, only exposed to north. With the volcanic plains and granite hills to the east and west, the city was exposed only on the north, from where the enemy forces can launch their attack. The south was covered oasis and dense population, with a narrow way to come. Not a whole army can come on it.
The Battle of Trench and Madinah

When the news of the Quraysh advance came to know Muslims, they held consultation on how to defend Madinah. Salman Al Farsi advised that the Muslims should dig a trench. The Prophet agreed. The Muslims dig a trench approximately 3 1/2 miles long, 5 yards deep, and 10 yards wide. It took 6 days to dig the trench and it was dug outside of the Madinah. The Muslims were 3000 in numbers, who also dug the trench, while the Quraysh were 12000 in numbers, 4 times the size of the Muslim army. Abu Sufyan was the commander of the allied force and Uthman bin Talha Abdari the standard bearer. The Quraysh were 4000 men, with 300 horses and 1000 camels. Banu Ghatafan were 6000 men in numbers with men of Najd. The rest 2000 men belonged to different allied tribes. The Quraysh camped at a spot between Jarf and Zaghaba. The Banu Ghatafan camped at the foothills of Uhud, Naqmi valley. 
The Qur'an illustrates the conditions of the Muslims:
"Behold! They marched upon you from above and below, and then your eyes spun around and your hearts leapt to your throats. You began to doubt Allah's plan, yet in this was a trial for the believers and an immense jolt."(33:10-11) The Prophet set out with his 3000 men to the trench for protection in 5th of Shawwal, February. The caretaker of Madinah was ibn Umm Maktoom. The Muslims took positions in Mount Sala.
Mount Sala

 The Allies were shocked and surprised by the Muslim tactic. They then tried desperately to find out a point where they can cross the trench, but the Muslim archers will push them back. They tried to fill the earth but the Muslims kept showering arrows. The Quraysh had no alternative but to lay siege to Madinah. That was a hard option for them because the season was winter. They will have a shortage of food. The allies made several unsuccessful tries to cross the trench, but they were greeted by arrows and stones. The Muslims missed several prayers. Once Dharar bin Khattab, Amr bin Abdu Wudd, and Ikrama bin Abi Jahl managed to cross the trench through horses in a narrow spot. The Muslims in the command of Hazrat Ali cut the escape route. Amr challenged Ali, to which, Ali won and killed Amr. Ikrama managed to escape, while Naufal bin Abdullah fell in the trench and was killed. Once a man managed to cross the trench, but Saad bin Abi Waqqas shot arrow on him. The man was covered with armor, but still, the arrow hit on his eye. The man died in the spot. At the end of the skirmish, 10 pagans and 6 Muslims lay dead. 
      Saad bin Muadh, a leader of Ansar, got injured when a arrow hit his jugular vein. But he survived till the end of the battle, as he prayed.
 After the battle of Uhud, Banu Qurayza entered into a pact with Muslims. But in the midst of battle, Huayy bin Akhtab, the chieftain of Banu Nazir, met Kab bin Asad, the chieftain of Banu Qurayza. Huayy tried to manipulate Kab to break the pact by attacking Muslim population(which was left undefended and was closed in a fort), and supplying food and weaponry to the allies troops. Kab hesitated to break, as he have seen the fate of Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir who were exiled from Madinah. However, Huayy managed to persuade him because he promised him he will be with him after the exile and will live in Khyber. Kab broke the treaty and this led into a great problem. They announced the break of treaty and started preparations for war. The Prophet sent Zayd bin Haritha with 300 men and Muslima bin Aslam with 200 men to protect the children and women of Muslims. Saad bin Muadh and Saad bin Ubada were to investigate the issue. They told Prophet that the treachery of Adal and Qara tribe in the incident of Raji is being repeated by Banu Qurayza. The Muslims went to stop them and remind them about the pact, but refused of being entering in any pact. The Hypocrites also left from the battle saying that they had left their families unprotected and also persuaded others to leave. 
The Prophet then sent a message to Uyaina bin Hisn to renew their old agreement. The Muslims will give them one-third fruits of Madinah but the Ghatafan tribe have to retreat. Saad bin Muadh and Saad bin Ubada protested against this option, and the agreement declined.
At this dangerous point, Nuaym bin Masood Ashaja'i revealed his secret conversion to Islam to Prophet. He was a noble of the Ghatafan tribe, and had strong relations with Jews and Quraysh. The Prophet asked Nuaym that if he can split the Jews, Quraysh and Ghatafan from the scene of battle. Nuaym agreed to do, thought for a while and then went to Banu Qurayza. He said to them:"You all know very well what happened to Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nazir. Now you have lent your support to the Quraysh and Ghatafan. But their situation is different from yours. This is your territory wherein are your women, children, wealth and property. You cannot go anywhere else, while yours ally territory, wealth and property and households lie far off. Only if they find an opportunity will they act. Otherwise, they will leave you at the mercy of Muhammad, and he will take revenge at will." By this, he indicated that they should ask for hostages from the Quraysh. Nuaym then went to Quraysh. He said:"The Jews regret the breach of trust they have committed. They fear that you will go back, leaving them at the mercy of Muhammad. To appease Muhammad, they have offered to hand you over to him as hostages. Stay alert and do not yield anyone hostages if they ask you to do so." Then Nuaym went to Ghatafan and said the same thing. 
The Quraysh sent message to Banu Qurayza asking them to attack Muslims simultaneously as they attack. Banu Qurayza asked for hostages, to which, the Quraysh and Ghatafan realized Nuaym was saying right. At this, the Quraysh refused to gave them hostages, to which, the Banu Qurayza agreed with Nuaym. Thus, the alliance from the Banu Qurayza shattered. Prophet asked Allah for help, to which, Allah sent storm over Quraysh. One night, there was a blast of wind and a strong wind, which destroyed the tents of allies. The weather became cold and violent, dust flying over them. They thus retreated the next morning. The Prophet and his companions prayed and thanked to Allah for victory. Masjid Khandaq, or the Mosque of trench was built at the site. On the same site, Salman Al Farsi Masjid was also constructed. 
Majid e Salman Farsi

Masjid e Khandaq
Banu Qurayza was dealt later. They were punished in accordance to the decision of Saad bin Ubada with whom they agreed. 

6 A.H. (628 A.D.)

The treaty of Hudaibiyya

The Prophet had a dream on which he saw himself and his companions entering Majid ul Haram. The Prophet told his companions that they were to perform Umrah shortly, and the Arabs living near were also invited to perform pilgrimage. The others refused, so the Prophet decided to set out along with his companions. Companions started to get prepare for Umrah. In first Dhul Qadah, 6 A.H., on Monday, the Prophet set out with his 1400 companions to perform Umrah. He also took sacrificial animals along with him. The Prophet reached Usfan where a scout the Prophet had sent to investigate returned telling them that the Quraysh are encamped at Dhul Tawa, seeming to stop Muslims by entering Makkah.
They had dispatched Khalid bin Waleed to Qura Al Ghamim to block off Muslims route and have called another tribes for support, this meant another battle. The Prophet discussed this issue with his companions, and some of them advised to fight against them, while others said to prevent them. The Prophet decided to take another route to Makkah, and they arrived at Thaniyat Al Murar to descend at Hudaibiya. There, the Muslims halted. A batch under the command of Budayl bin Waraqa Khuzai came to Prophet and told them that the Quraysh are willing to fight Muslims. 
Negotiations started between Quraysh and Muslims. The Quraysh willed to fight, while the Muslims wished peace. Negotiations continued and nothing made up to stop the imminent battle. During negotiations, one night, a group of 80 men of Quraysh descended from Mount Tanyeem and intended to fight Muslims, but found themselves to be rounded up. The Prophet forgave them and they returned safely. This incident chastened Quraysh to make peace negotiations with Muslims. The Prophet sent Uthman bin Affaan to tell them that the Muslims had come to perform Umrah only, and also to cheer Muslims living in Makkah that the Muslims will be granted manifest victory. The Quraysh, however, put Uthman under their custody as an hostage. A rumor spread among Muslims that Uthman have been slain. The Prophet then took a pledge under a tree which was later name 'Baya ul Ridwan' or 'the oath of Ridwan'. Allah mentioned this oath in Qur'an, Surah Fath, verse no. 18. This pledge was to fight against the Quraysh. Uthman at the moment appeared. Now the Quraysh sent Suhayl bin Amr, their great negotiator. After a long talks, these were the results:
Firstly, Muslims were to return this year and visit next year. They can perform Umrah and stay in Makkah for 3 days. Secondly, the truce is to be active for 10 years. Tribes can join anyone of the Muslims and Quraysh. Lastly, the Quraysh who escaped to Madinah had to be returned to Makkah, but the Quraysh are required not to extradite any of the Prophet follower who returned to Makkah. 
The companions were not satisfied by the treaty, but the Qur'an says:"Verily, we have granted you a manifest victory."(48:1)

7 A.H. (629 A.D.)

The Muslims finally performed Umrah.

8 A.H. (630 A.D.)

Conquest of Makkah

"When there comes the help of Allah and the Conquest(of Makkah). And you see people entering Allah's religion."(Surah Nasr:1-2)

The conquest of Makkah was a greatest victory of the Prophet Muhammad and eventually ended the Muslim-Quraysh war. According to the treaty of Hudaibiyya, any tribe can participate any of Muslims and Quraysh. Banu Khuzaa allied with Muslims, while Banu Bakr allied with Quraysh. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuzaa had an old rivalry. In 8 A.H., they attacked on Banu Khuzaa along with Quraysh and massacred them. Banu Khuzaa quickly informed this act to Prophet, and asked for aid, to which, they were given. The Prophet said Quraysh either to pay blood money or accept that the treaty is broken. The Quraysh chose the second alternative. The Muslims then started to prepare an army to conquer Makkah. Many tribes which had allied with Muslims joined the army. The army consisted of 10000 men. Abu Sufyan was sent by the Quraysh to convince Muslims that the treaty is intact, as they regretted their past choice. The Muslims, however ignored his demands, and thus he returned Makkah without doing the work he was assigned. The Prophet wished to takeover the city with surprise, but some of the people opposed him. Hatib bin Abu Balta'a wrote letter to Quraysh informing of the attack, but the envoy was caught by Muslims. In 10 Ramazan, 11 January, the Muslims marched to Makkah under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad. 
At Jahfa, Prophet met his uncle Abbas, who was en route to Madinah after embracing Islam with his family. He joined the army. The Prophet broke his fast at Kadeed and asked his companions to do the same, as the fasting was unbearable for him. The Muslim camped at Marra Al Dharar near Makkah, and Prophet ordered his companions that each soldier should have his own torch. The spectacle of 10000 campfires startled Abu Sufyan bin Harb. He then came to Prophet and embraced Islam. The Prophet, through him, announced that whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe, whoever closes the door of his house is safe, whoever hides in Kabaa is safe, and whoever avoid fighting against Muslims is safe. 
The next morning the Prophet went to march to Makkah. Many tribes had their own colors. The Ansar detachment was led by Sa'd bin Ubadah. Muhajirin were led by some other. At Dhu Tawa, the Prophet ordered Khalid bin Waleed and the left flank of the army to enter the lower part of Makkah through Kada. The army can kill those who resisted and have to meet Prophet at Mount Safa. The Prophet's standard bearer and the commander of the right flank, Zubayr bin Awwam, have to take upper path of Kada and pitch his standard at Hajoon. They have to wait there till the arrival of Prophet there. Abu Ubaydah, the leader of the infantry and unarmed force should take route from inside of the valley and descend into Makkah. 12 men resisted against Khalid and were killed. 2 men who got separated from there were killed from Muslim army. Khalid marched through streets of Makkah. Khalid joined Prophet at Safa and Zubayr pitched his standard in Hajoon. The Prophet then entered to Makkah and destroyed 360 idols inside of Kabaa. All of the paintings were removed from there. 
The Movements of Muslim Army
The Quraysh waited for Prophet outside of Kabaa. The Prophet came and stand in front of them, then asked:"O Quraysh, what do you think I am about to do with you.?"
"We hope for the best,"they replied."You are a noble brother, and son of a noble brother."
The Prophet said simply:"Have no fear this day; go your way for you are all free." The whole of the population of Makkah embraced Islam, and they took oath of not: associating anything with Allah, steal, killing your children, slander anyone, nor disobey Prophet. Even the murderer of Prophet, Hind bint Utbah embraced Islam. The father of Abu Bakr, Abu Qahafa, embraced Islam too. Suhayl bin Amr too came forward, and so Jubayr bin Mutim, and Safwan bin Umayya. Only 4 people were executed that they for that they had participated mainly in the Muslim-Quraysh conflict by inciting the Quraysh to fight against Muslims and were proven that they will harm Muslims. They were Ibn Khatal, Muqis bin Sababa, Harith bin Nufayl, and one of the maids of Ibn Khatal. Some sources says that Harith bin Talat Al Khuzai and Umm S'ad were also slain, but Umm S'ad was the slave of Ibn Khatal. Four others escaped death, they were Ikramah bin Abi Jahl, Abdullah bin Sad bin Abi Sarh, Habbar bin Aswad, and another maid of Ibn Khatal. 
The Prophet stayed in Makkah for 19 days, on which, he destroyed the non Islamic practices of Makkans. 
The Muslim Quraysh conflict thus ended, and the Islam get spread in Makkah, and after it, in Taif. Later, the companions of Prophet will even conquer the Syria and Persia. 

Sunday 18 December 2016

The Caliphate of Hazrat Ali and the First Fitna

Hazrat Ali(R.A)


The fourth Khalifa, Hazrat Ali(R.A) was a first cousin of Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of Holy Prophet(S.A.W). He was born in Makkah. His name was suggested by Holy Prophet(S.A.W) who took him under his own care and protection at an very early age. Hazrat Ali often go with Holy Prophet(S.A.W) in trades in Syria. He was the second person who accepted Islam. He was ten years old when Holy Prophet(S.A.W) conferred to Prophethood. Hazrat Ali learn reading and writing and he was very learned person. When Holy Prophet was doing Hijrat, he gave some valuables of Makkah peoples and said him to gave them their save custody. At night, when the enemies had surrounded Holy Prophet(S.A.W) house, he asked Ali to lie down on his bed while he escaped unnoticed and unhurt. After doing his mission, he joined Holy Prophet(S.A.W) in Quba.
Masjid Quba
In the time of Muwakhat, there Holy Prophet(S.A.W) declared Hazrat Ali(R.A) as his brother. Then he married he Holy Prophet(S.A.W) youngest daughter, Hazrat Fatima(R.A). Hazrat Ali was present when Holy Prophet was passing away. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) gave a title to Hazrat Ali of 'Abu Turab' 'father of dust'. For his bravery he was known as Asadullah 'Lion of God'. Hazrat Ali was the commentator of Qur'an and was called as Gate of Knowledge. In the Khalifat of Hazrat Abu Bakr some false Prophets arose in Arabia, he took part in the defense of capital. He held the office of chief justice and was a member of Majlis-e-Shura during the first three Khalifat.

Election as Khalifa

After the shahadat(Matyr) of Hazrat Usman(R.A), in the absence of government a state of confusion and anarchy prevailed in Madinah. Four days later, when the rebels left for their homes, they felt necessary that new Khalifa should be chosen before they left Madinah. In this connection, there were differences between rebels. One group favoured the election of Hazrat Ali, another group favoured the election of Hazrat Talha and the third group favoured the election of Hazrat Zubair.
The Egyptians and some prominent leaders requested the election of Hazrat Ali. The offer was refused. The rebels wanted the Khalifat of Hazrat Zubair or Hazrat Talha, they were also refused. The rebels next requested the Ansars to choose a Khalifa from amongst themsleves. They also declined the offer, saying that in the presence of Hazrat Ali no one can be elected for Khalifa. The rebels decided, thereupon, gave the ultimatum that unless the Khalifa was chosen within the next 24 hours, they would be forced to take some extreme action. In order to ressolve this issue, Muslims gathered in the Mosque of Prophet(S.A.W). The leader of Egyptians rebels decided that the person who should be elected for Khalifa should be learned, brave, pious and should been close to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W). Then the result is Hazrat Ali to choose for Khalifa because these qualities are fulfilled in Hazrat Ali(R.A). On 25 th Zil Haj, there was a general Bayyat at the Prophet(S.A.W) Mosque and Hazrat Ali became the fourth Khalifa of Islam.

Change of Governors

On becoming the Khalifa, Hazrat Ali felt in the interests of state, it was necessary that the governors should have to be changed. He therefore decided to remove the governors that Hazrat Usman had chosen and appoint new governors. With regard Muawiya, the governor of Syria, they particularly asked him not to interfere because the appointment of governors are not elected by Hazrat Usman but elected by Hazrat Umer. Against the advice of his friends, He appointed new governor. He appointed Suhail bin Hanif as the governor of Syria, Sa'ad bin Udaibah  as the governor of Egypt, Ummara bin Shahab as the governor of Kufa, Usman bin Hanif as the governor of Basra and Abdullah bin Abbas as the governor of Yemen. Then he sent them to take charge of their respective provinces. The governors appointed in provinces of Basra, Egypt and Yemen were able to take charge of their provinces without any resistance. But Ummara bin Shabah had to return to Madinah after having failed assume the charge of his office. When Suhail bin Hanif reached at Tabuk, the Syrian army forced him to return. The failure of of Hazrat Ali to appoint governors of the provinces of Kufa and Syria led the development of hostile feelings between both the rebels and the Caliph.  

Kufa and Syria Location

First Fitna(656 CE - 661 CE)

Battle of Camal (Jamal)

After that the city of Madinah felt in turmoil. The Umayyads who had became quite powerful in Syria raised the cry of revenge for the blood of Hazrat Usman. The blood-stained clothes of Hazrat Usman and the fingers of his wife which had been cut when she was defending his husband were exhibited in the Mosque of Damascus. Many people of Makkah and Madinah joined the cry of revenge. They requested Hazrat Ali to punish the assassins of Hazrat Usman. Hazrat Ali, realizing the assassination of Hazrat Usman was not in the work of a few individuals who could be easily punished and also keeping in view the political situation in the country, refused to comply with their request. He told them that he would take necessary steps against these assassins after restoring peace in the Islamic World. This provide the Munafiqeen to make chaos between Hazrat Ali and instigate peoples and this make a rivalry between them. Zubair and Talha, who had previously pledged allegiance to Hazrat Ali were not satisfied with Ali's decision as he was continually delaying the punishment of the assassins. They approached Hazrat Aisha who was very grieved at Hazrat Usman's assasination. They joined Hazrat Aisha for the revenge of Hazrat Usman assassination. They raised an army and persuaded Hazrat Aisha to accompany them. Hazrat Ali sent his son Hazrat Hassan to Kufa where he was successful to raise an army of 10 thousand mens. The two armies met near Basra.
Hazrat Ali did not want a fight and sent the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) companions to assure her that he really wanted to punish the murderers of Hazrat Usman; the delay was due to non-availability of evidence. So Hazrat Aisha was also trying to prevent bloodshed so she negotiate and thus the hostiles were suspended. But the Munafiqeen wanted a fight between them because they did not wanted peace in Madinah so they attack both armies in the night and then the battle started. Hazrat Aisha mounted a camel to lead her army. Thousands of Muslims were martyred in this fierce fight. Later Zubair and Talha were caught and were killed by mischief-makers. Hazrat Aisha was wounded and were brought back down and Hazrat Ali sent her Madinah with respect and honour with her brother Muhammad bin Abu Bakr. She then decided to never take interests in politics. Hazrat Ali Khalifat came to be acknowledged by the entire Muslim world except Syria.

Battle of Siffin

Hazrat Ali deposed Muawiya from the governorship of Syria. Muawiya, however, refused to vacate the office. Muawiya instigated a revolt against Hazrat Ali. He did so as he believed that he governed the province of Syria justly, was popular in the people, and so should not be removed. He suspected Ali as he was continually delaying the punishment of the assassins of Uthman and had also fought against a mother of the believers, Aisha. He raised a hue for the revenge for the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman. The blood-stained clothes of Hazrat Usman and the fingers of his wife which had been cut when she was defending his husband were exhibited in the Mosque of Damascus. He said that the election of Hazrat Ali was illegal and was been put by the rebels who assassinate Hazrat Usman. This time not only Syria but Iran and Iraq also won the propaganda. After the election of Hazrat Ali, within a year, Muawiya gained enough strength to put a offensive against Khalifa. Hazrat Ali did not wanted a fight against Muslims themselves. So he wrote that since the people who had selected Hazrat Abu Bakr , Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman had accepted him as Khalifa, Muawiya and his followers must also accept him as such. Muawiya reply is that first handover Hazrat Usman assassins. So the war was inevitable. The Khalifa managed to raise a army of 80 to 90 thousand, Muawiya had also an huge army but slightly little. They both met at Siffin.
How to armies met in Siffin
 Hazrat Ali did not wanted that Muslims blood to be shed so he sent a letter to Muawiya to submit in the interest into the unity of Islam. Muawiya again sent a reply asking for Hazrat Usman assassins. So the war started. The war started in 8 th Safar 37 A.H. On the fourth day, the position of Muawiya army became higher. In order to avoid a crushing defeat, Muawiya on the advice of Amr bin Aas, ordered the soldiers in the front ranks to fasten the Quran to their lances as a sign that war should cease now. Hazrat Ali warned his men not to fall into this trap, but to fight till the end. But his exhortations had no effect and may officers of his army refused to fight. The Khalifa was compelled to recall his forces. Thereafter fighting stopped. There were heavy casualties. The battle of Siffin led to the birth of the first sect among the Muslims that came to be known as the Kharijites.
The Kharijites were the peoples who were involved in the assassination of Hazrat Usman. When Muawiya raised cry, they fought in the side of Hazrat Ali in battle of Siffin and Jamal(Camel). They held that they alone were true believers and they had the right to kill unbelievers. They were the people who are involved in the assassination of Hazrat Usman and were separated from many Muslims body so this is why they were called Kharijites.


In accordance with the negotiation agreement signed between Hazrat Ali and Muawiya, Abu Musa Ashari and Amr bin Aas met at Dumat-ul-Jandal, a place between Damascus and Kufa. After negotiations, Abu Musa and Amr bin Aas agreed to remove both Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiya from their positions. However, Amr bin Aas personally announced that Muawiya should retain his post so Ali felt that the decision being taken is mostly to the advantage of Ameer Muawiya. So he refused to comply with the decision and the negotiations broke down as a consequence. This meant that the conflict between Muawiya and Ali remained. 

Battle of Nahrawan

 When Hazrat Ali called the kharijites back to support him on his conflict against Ameer Muawiya, the Kharijites refused and instead they invaded Nahrawan. They further displayed their anger against the caliph by assassinating Hazrat Abdullah bin Shuba along with his wife. This made Hazrat Ali realize the need to retake Nahrawan and so he marched there with his 12000 army in 659 CE.

Hazrat Ali win and defeat Kharijites badly. Out of 4000 kharijites some of few dozens ran away and many perished. But, however, after two years, Kharijites avenged their defeat at Nahrwan by assassinating Hazrat Ali.

Fall of Egypt

From Nahrawan, Hazrat Ali wanted to move against Muawiya. But his troops disobeyed his orders and deserted him. At this chance Muawiya order Amr bin Aas to conquer Egypt. The governor of Egypt(Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr) was defeated and Ali lost control over Egypt. The loss of Egypt was a severe blow to the Khalifat of Hazrat Ali. After this, rebellions broke out all over the land and the Khalifa, considering the situation serious, agreed to conclude a treaty with Muawiya. It was decided that Muawiya would rule over Syria and Egypt and the rest of Muslim empire was to be ruled by Hazrat Ali.
Aftermath of the fall of Egypt and Syria. Green area being ruled by Hazrat Ali, Red area by Hazrat Muawiya, and blue area being ruled by Amr ibn Aas


After the battle of Nahrawan Kharijites wanted to take revenge by Hazrat Ali on what happened on Nahrawan. In 40 A.H. Kharijites decided to assassinate Hazrat Ali. On 18 th of Ramazan, 40 A.H, when the Hazrat Ali was leading the prayer in the mosque of Kufa, Abdur Rehman Ibn Muljim attacked him with poisonous sword. The wounds proved fatal and the fourth Khalifa of Islam departed from this world on 21 st Ramazan 40 A.H. His son Hazrat Hassan killed ibn Muljim the next day in accordance with Hazrat Ali's will. He was buried in Najaf. Hazrat Ali did not name anyone his successor.


The martyrdom of the fourth caliph marked the end of the caliphate of the first four rightly guided Caliphs. The First Fitna ended after Hazrat Ali's son Hazrat Hasan concluded peace treaty with Ameer Muawiya six months later after the martyrdom of the Caliph. In it, Hazrat Hasan gave Ameer Muawiya all of the area previously ruled by Ali. However, the conditions he laid was that Ameer Muawiya would rule in accordance to Qur'an and Sunnah and will not establish a dynasty by appointing his son to be his successors. However, Muawiya failed to comply with the treaty as he appointed Yazid I, his son, to be the next ruler. Hazrat Hussain, the brother of Hazrat Hasan, refused to take oath of allegiance to Yazid and this ultimately led to the second Fitna and the emergence of the Shia sect as well as the Shia - Sunni conflict. 


The whole period of Hazrat Ali was passed on civil wars so he could not interfere on his conquests. Hazrat Ali administrated the state on the lines laid down by the previous Khalifas without making any amendments to the rules. Hazrat Ali had paid attention on his military. At his time of Khalifat, many army requirements were build up.


He was very pious person and were sincere person. He was truthful and honest and live very humbly. For his bravery he was known as Asadullah, the lion of God and Haider-e-Karrar, the warrior whom nobody could match. Hazrat Ali was chivalrous and forgiving one. Hazrat Ali knowledge extended to many disciplines like Mathematics, Physics, astronomy. He was an orator and poet and a skillful administrator. Because of this he was known as the 'gate of knowledge'.
Shrine of Hazrat Ali