Sunday 18 December 2016

The Caliphate of Hazrat Ali and the First Fitna

Hazrat Ali(R.A)


The fourth Khalifa, Hazrat Ali(R.A) was a first cousin of Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of Holy Prophet(S.A.W). He was born in Makkah. His name was suggested by Holy Prophet(S.A.W) who took him under his own care and protection at an very early age. Hazrat Ali often go with Holy Prophet(S.A.W) in trades in Syria. He was the second person who accepted Islam. He was ten years old when Holy Prophet(S.A.W) conferred to Prophethood. Hazrat Ali learn reading and writing and he was very learned person. When Holy Prophet was doing Hijrat, he gave some valuables of Makkah peoples and said him to gave them their save custody. At night, when the enemies had surrounded Holy Prophet(S.A.W) house, he asked Ali to lie down on his bed while he escaped unnoticed and unhurt. After doing his mission, he joined Holy Prophet(S.A.W) in Quba.
Masjid Quba
In the time of Muwakhat, there Holy Prophet(S.A.W) declared Hazrat Ali(R.A) as his brother. Then he married he Holy Prophet(S.A.W) youngest daughter, Hazrat Fatima(R.A). Hazrat Ali was present when Holy Prophet was passing away. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) gave a title to Hazrat Ali of 'Abu Turab' 'father of dust'. For his bravery he was known as Asadullah 'Lion of God'. Hazrat Ali was the commentator of Qur'an and was called as Gate of Knowledge. In the Khalifat of Hazrat Abu Bakr some false Prophets arose in Arabia, he took part in the defense of capital. He held the office of chief justice and was a member of Majlis-e-Shura during the first three Khalifat.

Election as Khalifa

After the shahadat(Matyr) of Hazrat Usman(R.A), in the absence of government a state of confusion and anarchy prevailed in Madinah. Four days later, when the rebels left for their homes, they felt necessary that new Khalifa should be chosen before they left Madinah. In this connection, there were differences between rebels. One group favoured the election of Hazrat Ali, another group favoured the election of Hazrat Talha and the third group favoured the election of Hazrat Zubair.
The Egyptians and some prominent leaders requested the election of Hazrat Ali. The offer was refused. The rebels wanted the Khalifat of Hazrat Zubair or Hazrat Talha, they were also refused. The rebels next requested the Ansars to choose a Khalifa from amongst themsleves. They also declined the offer, saying that in the presence of Hazrat Ali no one can be elected for Khalifa. The rebels decided, thereupon, gave the ultimatum that unless the Khalifa was chosen within the next 24 hours, they would be forced to take some extreme action. In order to ressolve this issue, Muslims gathered in the Mosque of Prophet(S.A.W). The leader of Egyptians rebels decided that the person who should be elected for Khalifa should be learned, brave, pious and should been close to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W). Then the result is Hazrat Ali to choose for Khalifa because these qualities are fulfilled in Hazrat Ali(R.A). On 25 th Zil Haj, there was a general Bayyat at the Prophet(S.A.W) Mosque and Hazrat Ali became the fourth Khalifa of Islam.

Change of Governors

On becoming the Khalifa, Hazrat Ali felt in the interests of state, it was necessary that the governors should have to be changed. He therefore decided to remove the governors that Hazrat Usman had chosen and appoint new governors. With regard Muawiya, the governor of Syria, they particularly asked him not to interfere because the appointment of governors are not elected by Hazrat Usman but elected by Hazrat Umer. Against the advice of his friends, He appointed new governor. He appointed Suhail bin Hanif as the governor of Syria, Sa'ad bin Udaibah  as the governor of Egypt, Ummara bin Shahab as the governor of Kufa, Usman bin Hanif as the governor of Basra and Abdullah bin Abbas as the governor of Yemen. Then he sent them to take charge of their respective provinces. The governors appointed in provinces of Basra, Egypt and Yemen were able to take charge of their provinces without any resistance. But Ummara bin Shabah had to return to Madinah after having failed assume the charge of his office. When Suhail bin Hanif reached at Tabuk, the Syrian army forced him to return. The failure of of Hazrat Ali to appoint governors of the provinces of Kufa and Syria led the development of hostile feelings between both the rebels and the Caliph.  

Kufa and Syria Location

First Fitna(656 CE - 661 CE)

Battle of Camal (Jamal)

After that the city of Madinah felt in turmoil. The Umayyads who had became quite powerful in Syria raised the cry of revenge for the blood of Hazrat Usman. The blood-stained clothes of Hazrat Usman and the fingers of his wife which had been cut when she was defending his husband were exhibited in the Mosque of Damascus. Many people of Makkah and Madinah joined the cry of revenge. They requested Hazrat Ali to punish the assassins of Hazrat Usman. Hazrat Ali, realizing the assassination of Hazrat Usman was not in the work of a few individuals who could be easily punished and also keeping in view the political situation in the country, refused to comply with their request. He told them that he would take necessary steps against these assassins after restoring peace in the Islamic World. This provide the Munafiqeen to make chaos between Hazrat Ali and instigate peoples and this make a rivalry between them. Zubair and Talha, who had previously pledged allegiance to Hazrat Ali were not satisfied with Ali's decision as he was continually delaying the punishment of the assassins. They approached Hazrat Aisha who was very grieved at Hazrat Usman's assasination. They joined Hazrat Aisha for the revenge of Hazrat Usman assassination. They raised an army and persuaded Hazrat Aisha to accompany them. Hazrat Ali sent his son Hazrat Hassan to Kufa where he was successful to raise an army of 10 thousand mens. The two armies met near Basra.
Hazrat Ali did not want a fight and sent the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) companions to assure her that he really wanted to punish the murderers of Hazrat Usman; the delay was due to non-availability of evidence. So Hazrat Aisha was also trying to prevent bloodshed so she negotiate and thus the hostiles were suspended. But the Munafiqeen wanted a fight between them because they did not wanted peace in Madinah so they attack both armies in the night and then the battle started. Hazrat Aisha mounted a camel to lead her army. Thousands of Muslims were martyred in this fierce fight. Later Zubair and Talha were caught and were killed by mischief-makers. Hazrat Aisha was wounded and were brought back down and Hazrat Ali sent her Madinah with respect and honour with her brother Muhammad bin Abu Bakr. She then decided to never take interests in politics. Hazrat Ali Khalifat came to be acknowledged by the entire Muslim world except Syria.

Battle of Siffin

Hazrat Ali deposed Muawiya from the governorship of Syria. Muawiya, however, refused to vacate the office. Muawiya instigated a revolt against Hazrat Ali. He did so as he believed that he governed the province of Syria justly, was popular in the people, and so should not be removed. He suspected Ali as he was continually delaying the punishment of the assassins of Uthman and had also fought against a mother of the believers, Aisha. He raised a hue for the revenge for the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman. The blood-stained clothes of Hazrat Usman and the fingers of his wife which had been cut when she was defending his husband were exhibited in the Mosque of Damascus. He said that the election of Hazrat Ali was illegal and was been put by the rebels who assassinate Hazrat Usman. This time not only Syria but Iran and Iraq also won the propaganda. After the election of Hazrat Ali, within a year, Muawiya gained enough strength to put a offensive against Khalifa. Hazrat Ali did not wanted a fight against Muslims themselves. So he wrote that since the people who had selected Hazrat Abu Bakr , Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman had accepted him as Khalifa, Muawiya and his followers must also accept him as such. Muawiya reply is that first handover Hazrat Usman assassins. So the war was inevitable. The Khalifa managed to raise a army of 80 to 90 thousand, Muawiya had also an huge army but slightly little. They both met at Siffin.
How to armies met in Siffin
 Hazrat Ali did not wanted that Muslims blood to be shed so he sent a letter to Muawiya to submit in the interest into the unity of Islam. Muawiya again sent a reply asking for Hazrat Usman assassins. So the war started. The war started in 8 th Safar 37 A.H. On the fourth day, the position of Muawiya army became higher. In order to avoid a crushing defeat, Muawiya on the advice of Amr bin Aas, ordered the soldiers in the front ranks to fasten the Quran to their lances as a sign that war should cease now. Hazrat Ali warned his men not to fall into this trap, but to fight till the end. But his exhortations had no effect and may officers of his army refused to fight. The Khalifa was compelled to recall his forces. Thereafter fighting stopped. There were heavy casualties. The battle of Siffin led to the birth of the first sect among the Muslims that came to be known as the Kharijites.
The Kharijites were the peoples who were involved in the assassination of Hazrat Usman. When Muawiya raised cry, they fought in the side of Hazrat Ali in battle of Siffin and Jamal(Camel). They held that they alone were true believers and they had the right to kill unbelievers. They were the people who are involved in the assassination of Hazrat Usman and were separated from many Muslims body so this is why they were called Kharijites.


In accordance with the negotiation agreement signed between Hazrat Ali and Muawiya, Abu Musa Ashari and Amr bin Aas met at Dumat-ul-Jandal, a place between Damascus and Kufa. After negotiations, Abu Musa and Amr bin Aas agreed to remove both Hazrat Ali and Ameer Muawiya from their positions. However, Amr bin Aas personally announced that Muawiya should retain his post so Ali felt that the decision being taken is mostly to the advantage of Ameer Muawiya. So he refused to comply with the decision and the negotiations broke down as a consequence. This meant that the conflict between Muawiya and Ali remained. 

Battle of Nahrawan

 When Hazrat Ali called the kharijites back to support him on his conflict against Ameer Muawiya, the Kharijites refused and instead they invaded Nahrawan. They further displayed their anger against the caliph by assassinating Hazrat Abdullah bin Shuba along with his wife. This made Hazrat Ali realize the need to retake Nahrawan and so he marched there with his 12000 army in 659 CE.

Hazrat Ali win and defeat Kharijites badly. Out of 4000 kharijites some of few dozens ran away and many perished. But, however, after two years, Kharijites avenged their defeat at Nahrwan by assassinating Hazrat Ali.

Fall of Egypt

From Nahrawan, Hazrat Ali wanted to move against Muawiya. But his troops disobeyed his orders and deserted him. At this chance Muawiya order Amr bin Aas to conquer Egypt. The governor of Egypt(Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr) was defeated and Ali lost control over Egypt. The loss of Egypt was a severe blow to the Khalifat of Hazrat Ali. After this, rebellions broke out all over the land and the Khalifa, considering the situation serious, agreed to conclude a treaty with Muawiya. It was decided that Muawiya would rule over Syria and Egypt and the rest of Muslim empire was to be ruled by Hazrat Ali.
Aftermath of the fall of Egypt and Syria. Green area being ruled by Hazrat Ali, Red area by Hazrat Muawiya, and blue area being ruled by Amr ibn Aas


After the battle of Nahrawan Kharijites wanted to take revenge by Hazrat Ali on what happened on Nahrawan. In 40 A.H. Kharijites decided to assassinate Hazrat Ali. On 18 th of Ramazan, 40 A.H, when the Hazrat Ali was leading the prayer in the mosque of Kufa, Abdur Rehman Ibn Muljim attacked him with poisonous sword. The wounds proved fatal and the fourth Khalifa of Islam departed from this world on 21 st Ramazan 40 A.H. His son Hazrat Hassan killed ibn Muljim the next day in accordance with Hazrat Ali's will. He was buried in Najaf. Hazrat Ali did not name anyone his successor.


The martyrdom of the fourth caliph marked the end of the caliphate of the first four rightly guided Caliphs. The First Fitna ended after Hazrat Ali's son Hazrat Hasan concluded peace treaty with Ameer Muawiya six months later after the martyrdom of the Caliph. In it, Hazrat Hasan gave Ameer Muawiya all of the area previously ruled by Ali. However, the conditions he laid was that Ameer Muawiya would rule in accordance to Qur'an and Sunnah and will not establish a dynasty by appointing his son to be his successors. However, Muawiya failed to comply with the treaty as he appointed Yazid I, his son, to be the next ruler. Hazrat Hussain, the brother of Hazrat Hasan, refused to take oath of allegiance to Yazid and this ultimately led to the second Fitna and the emergence of the Shia sect as well as the Shia - Sunni conflict. 


The whole period of Hazrat Ali was passed on civil wars so he could not interfere on his conquests. Hazrat Ali administrated the state on the lines laid down by the previous Khalifas without making any amendments to the rules. Hazrat Ali had paid attention on his military. At his time of Khalifat, many army requirements were build up.


He was very pious person and were sincere person. He was truthful and honest and live very humbly. For his bravery he was known as Asadullah, the lion of God and Haider-e-Karrar, the warrior whom nobody could match. Hazrat Ali was chivalrous and forgiving one. Hazrat Ali knowledge extended to many disciplines like Mathematics, Physics, astronomy. He was an orator and poet and a skillful administrator. Because of this he was known as the 'gate of knowledge'.
Shrine of Hazrat Ali